My Best Thanksgiving Prep Trick Comes From a Highly Unlikely Source
Psst: It works for every other dinner party, too.
Photo by Julia Gartland
52 Days of Thanksgiving

52 Days of Thanksgiving
Top-notch recipes, expert tips, and all the tools to pull off the year’s most memorable feast.
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November 29, 2021
The scrum board was a total hit. Instead of me asking my husband (again!) what to do next, he had neon post-it notes on the wall telling him. It also helped because some tasks in the To Do were seen by guests (fill water glasses, take out cheese from fridge)
who wanted to contribute and then they enjoyed moving the post-its to a new column. We also included a "Kiss the Chef" note that stayed in the In Progress column and I definitely felt the love!
who wanted to contribute and then they enjoyed moving the post-its to a new column. We also included a "Kiss the Chef" note that stayed in the In Progress column and I definitely felt the love!
November 28, 2021
I know this as a Kanban Board (I work in IT). I used to when I made my daughter's wedding dress. It was a great way to break down a frankly terrifying process, as well as giving me a feeling of how far I had come, and how far there was to go.
November 27, 2021
No wall space? Try: Refrigerator (door or side), Doorframe, Cabinet Door (inside or out), Drawer Front, Window (glass or frame) ... any flat surface will do!
November 25, 2021
This is a game-changer for me! I read this on Sunday and started prepping for T-day on Monday but I had so much going on I didn't set it up. I got up Tuesday morning & got to work on my board. For those of you with no wall space...I used the inside of a pantry door. Works great! So I'm all set up for Thanksgiving day. I know just what else I need to do & this year I won't realize--mid way through the meal--that the stuffing's still in the oven! Thanks so much!
November 22, 2021
Hi just FYI I am an Agile nerd and what you describe is actually a Kanban board not a SCRUM board, SCRUM doesn't specify the need for a board but Kanban does say to vizualize your work, which is generally represented on a "progress board". Sorry I'm a nerd I'll get back in my box now. Great post and I will use the tips for sure.
Here's the SCRUM guide if you don't believe me
Here's the SCRUM guide if you don't believe me
Shay T.
November 18, 2021
I loved this so much, I stayed up late getting all of my tasks onto Post-It notes. When I went to admire all my work the next morning, however, the Post-Its were all over the floor! Was the universe trying to tell me something? Not to be deterred, I did a hybrid, which will work better for me, I think. Thanks for getting me thinking!
Millie J.
November 14, 2021
Love the idea of a scrum board but there is zero free wall space in my kitchen. For a complex event like Thanksgiving dinner I print out my recipes (they're all on my computer now) and also type up a timeline that starts however many days ahead the tasks will begin. The timeline is very detailed, like your post-it notes, and also has a day and an approximate time of day when each thing needs to be done. Figuring that part out is very helpful to me so I don't double-book myself and get frantic. As I get to a task I check it off, and I also check off a recipe when it's done -- both are very satisfying.
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