Food News
The Food Trends of 2023, According to Our Editors
What we're taking into the new year—and what we're leaving behind.
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Caroline N.
January 26, 2023
"prefer the flavor of the whites over the yellow" egg white doesn't have much in the way of flavor! I like eggs any way they come except raw, or overcooked and dry. And I don't know where the trend of burning the edges of fried eggs came from--when I went to culinary school we got points off for any hint of brown or crispy on the edge of a fried egg!
patricia G.
January 23, 2023
Simplicity is what I crave for 2023.
Spent this Sunday afternoon shellfishing with friends. Supped on a platter of oysters in good company. Food, unfussed over, and friendship is what I wish for in 2023.
Spent this Sunday afternoon shellfishing with friends. Supped on a platter of oysters in good company. Food, unfussed over, and friendship is what I wish for in 2023.
January 22, 2023
Water is fine in its place, but I agree with the writer who said that making stock with leftovers is as simple as having a bag in the freezer to fill until you have enough to make a stock. And they are delicious. As for hard boiled eggs, I love them, but I also love jammy eggs, runny eggs, soft boiled eggs --- eggs any which way except over boiled with a green outer layer to the yolk.
January 26, 2023
Not that I disagree with you, but I at least there's some pushback against the trend of the last few years- since umami was "discovered"- to overdo it, just as professional (especially) chefs have overdone salt, sugar and fat from time immemorial. The tendency to overload otherwise well balanced dishes with gratuitous additions such as burned tomato sauce, fish sauce etc. and to brown everything, whether appropriate or not, is leading to a lot of murky cooking.
January 22, 2023
It pains me to write this as I expected more from both Food52 (as editor in chief) and the selected contributors for this particular piece. I intentionally did not term it an article. Given the economic conditions and impact on food prices writ large, most of the “changes” outlined make sound financial sense. What has my goat, however, is one contributors pledge to forgo stock for water. What’s so difficult with saving all manner of vegetable peelings and scraps to make a stock that one knows exactly what went into it? Same goes for saving up chicken or beef bones in the freezer for future use as a stock as a base for soup, rice or even pasta. Such a missed opportunity.
January 22, 2023
I will be cooking foods and following recipes that don’t involve me sourcing exotic ingredients on the Internet. We have enough lovely fresh ingredients, spices and herbs that we can get at our local grocery stores and farmers markets to create very flavorful dishes. I’ll leave it up to the restaurants to source and incorporate mustard oil, nigella seeds, ground mahlep, etc!
January 22, 2023
Sound plan … this Grandma is a huge fan of dinner parties at home… builds such amazing memories for years to come
January 22, 2023
I agree with every single one of these trends, except perhaps replacing stock with water since we don't drink the tap water on Cape Cod and use bottled water to make our coffee. I especially embrace the idea of no more runny egg yolks! Also, I conjecture that onions are replacing cauliflower and Brussels sprouts as this year's trendy vegetable.
Dennis H.
January 22, 2023
More vegetables. Progressively less meat. Smaller portions. More leftovers!
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