5 Easy Twists for Extra Special Latkes
Make those crispy little patties of shredded potato perfection even better.
Photo by Julia Gartland
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Maren B.
December 10, 2023
It never fails to amaze me how many experts on latkes don't get the most basic thing: it's the starch in the potatoes that makes them crispy and if you add a whole table spoon of salt to your grated potatoes you trigger this thing called osmosis. Osmosis is the process of equalizing concentrations, in this case the tablespoon of salt just added to the outside of your shredded potatoes. The potato shreds expel water to equalize the salt concentration inside and outside of the potato shreds. And when you squeeze off the water from the salted shreds, you also remove the potato starch, which otherwise would have crisped the latkes nicely. So save yourself the squeezing and breading of your latkes (this is not a Wiener Schnitzel) by adding salt and pepper in the pan as your latkes fry. They will be lovely crisp and it's half the messy work described in the video here. One starchy Russet potato makes for a handsome and quick meal for two. If you have it, add a few shreds of other root vegetables, a few chopped herbs, an egg and a bit of flour and you got yourself the crispiest latkes in no time, without the mess.
December 7, 2023
That latke egg and cheese sandwich is calling my name . . .
Thanks for this helpful and interesting piece. ;o)
Thanks for this helpful and interesting piece. ;o)
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