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October 24, 2013
I loved the idea of this cake--traditional gluten free recipes make my heart go pitter patter. But the vision didn't turn into so great an action. My buckwheat flour is sort of an asphalt gray color (Arrowhead Mills) and made the cake that same, dull, heavy color. What brand results in the golden crumb for this recipe? Also, I found the batter to be exceedingly thick and sticky; folding in egg whites was defeatist at best. The resulting gray cake tasted fine, if not remarkable, and was incredibly dense, totally unlike the delicate crumb pictured above. Help? Did anyone else have these results? Brand of buckwheat flour or high-altitude to blame? Thanks.
October 24, 2013
Hi, I used an organic, stone-milled buckwheat flour that I buy in bulk from my local organic shop. I believe the golden crumb also comes from the almond meal, which can be with or without skins (with skins, the result is a speckled brown cake, of course!). The batter is indeed very thick, the whites need to be folded in little by little and that lightens up the batter. I've made this several times, always with the same results like in the photo above - once I even made it with buckwheat pancake mix as I was on holiday and couldn't find regular buckwheat flour! Sorry to hear it didn't work out perfectly for you and that I can't help more with the results - I'm not sure about the effects of high-altitude on this cake.
October 24, 2013
Thanks for the thoughts on color from almond skins and/or a different buckwheat flour. I'll try weighing the flours, rather than using the cup measurements, to help with the density. Good to know that the batter does tend to be more thick; I wondered when I incorporated the egg whites if it was supposed to be so. I'm wondering about adding in an additional egg white to help with the high altitude--I didn't get much rise either. I have high hopes for getting a result like yours! Look forward to trying it again. Appreciate the feedback.
October 9, 2013
I'm not gluten-free, but I just happened to have a gifted jar of lingonberries in my fridge, and buckwheat and almond flours in my freezer - so I figured it was meant to be. I'm now nibbling on a piece of this cake with my coffee as I type this! I only had a 9 inch springform pan, so it required a longer cooking time to get the cake done all the way through. And I added about 1/2 tsp of salt to the batter, because everything's better with salt :) Thanks for sharing this recipe!
Sophia H.
October 8, 2013
Hm, looks good. I think it would work with pumpkin puree and cranberries, instead of apple and lingonberry. :)
Marisa R.
October 8, 2013
I have a buckwheat cake recipe too and it is delish..I will have to try this one...great for GF diets as well
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