A question about a recipe: One-Bite Cheddar & Prosciutto Shortbreads from Lapadia

These look wonderful and I want to make them and send them to friends. Do you think they will travel well? Should I have them cooled when shipping?

  • Posted by: SKK
  • December 8, 2011


lapadia December 9, 2011
I'm back! After Googling and checking out a few sites, which, btw, were good at telling me exactly what we already know for sure. So, I have come to a conclusion to follow the “temperature rules” = keep hot food hot and cold food cold to keep out of the “danger zone”.
hardlikearmour December 9, 2011
I wish I knew the answer to this one! Why don't bake off a quarter batch and store it in a sealed container for a few days on the counter and see what happens?
lapadia December 8, 2011

Hmmm, well shortbread cookies can be stored airtight for about a week. These ones have
the cheese and proscuitto...but they are baked, and the proscuitto is
browned off even before being baked. I am thinking they shouldn't need to be
chilled, although it probably wouldn't hurt. WOW...this is a great question
to ask the HOTLINE, I am interested to see what anybody else has to say :)

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