Can you substitute quinoa flour for regular flour?

In cakes, pancakes,cookies, dough etc.

Chef Chanelle


Luvjava8 September 17, 2012
Sprouted Grain Crackers

Organic Sprouted Flour (5 cups)
Organic whole buttermilk or yogurt (2 cups)
Unsalted grass-fed butter, softened or melted (1 cup)
Coconut oil, softened or melted (1/2 cup)
Aluminum-free baking powder (1 Tbsp.)
Sea Salt (2 tsp.)

I wanted to make the crackers have a little more fiber content that is why I thought about a quinoa flour substitution. Please advise. Thank you!

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beyondcelery December 18, 2011
You can substitute quinoa flour for up to about half the regular flour. You cannot, however, use only quinoa flour in baked goods such as those because they'll crumble and fall apart. If you're trying to make something gluten-free, you need to introduce a binder flour that will work with the quinoa flour and hold it all together. For 1 cup regular flour, I'd suggest: 1/2 cup quinoa flour, 1/2 cup sweet rice flour, 2-4 Tbls tapioca starch. If you have a specific recipe in mind, note it here and I can help you make a good guess at the conversions. Good luck!
Keshia August 13, 2014
Can you use half normal flour half quinoa flour? Not trying to be gluten free just healthier.. Thanks!
Debi November 11, 2014
Could you substitute corn flour for the tapioca starch??
Kevin February 12, 2019
Kidney friendly lemon sunburst bars
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