How does a person cook rice so that it does not be so sticky. I have tried rinsing and rinsing, but it still is sticky. Is there a certain brand name that I should be looking for?

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innoabrd November 14, 2010
I'm a big believer in rinsing rice for most things (but obviously not risotto or paella), and I use a rice cooker, so my rice is damn near perfect every time thanks to those clever Japanese.

Nutcakes mentions Converted rice, which is also known as par-boiled. Will spare you all the details, but:

1) yes, par-boiled is more nutritious than regular white rice because of how it is processed.
2) par-boiled rice is a lot easier to prepare and not end up sticky, particularly in quantity, which is one reason it is often used in institutional settings.
3) is great for some people because of the ease and added nutrition, BUT it has a peculiar taste which I personally find really unacceptable...

I'd suggest you try a converted or par boiled rice (like Uncle Ben's) and see if you like it. If so, you might find it a lot easier than messing around with other techniques. If not, and you eat rice a lot, invest in a good rice cooker!
nutcakes November 14, 2010
I made a mistake in my ratios. I meant to suggest 1 cup rice to 1-2/3 cup water, sorry.
RobertaJ November 14, 2010
I've recently found great success (after years of BAD RICE issues) with the following...

1) Rinse in a strainer until water is clear.
2) Use less than the reccommended 1 part rice/2 parts water ratio. I've found that 1 part rice/1.5 parts water is too dry. Somewhere in between is the sweet spot.
3) Cook as long as the package directs (usually 20 minutes). Low heat, (bare simmer, covered).
4) As soon as its cooked, turn off the heat, place a kitchen towel over the pot, put the lid back on, fold the towel up around the lid of the pot, and let it sit, over the warm burner (HEAT OFF), lid on, with the towel, for 5 minutes.

Works like a charm.
pauljoseph November 13, 2010
try this method
nutcakes November 13, 2010
I agree you may be using too much water. But I'd suggest cutting it back try 1 cup rice to 2-2/3 cups water. Also some poeple who really like rice to be separate grains prefer to use Converted Rice, which apparently has more nutrients than white rice. I've see one brand recently at Costco, and Uncle Ben's is the name most people know it by.
Queen O. November 13, 2010
P.S. No rinsing!!!! The rice needs to be dry to toast!
Queen O. November 13, 2010
When I'm making rice as a side for dinner, I use a long-grain (like basmati or texmati). I usually put water in the tea kettle and start it heating. Then I put a small amount of olive oil in a heavy saucepan turn it on medium high and add just the rice. I stir the rice until the kernels become opaque (more white than clear). It lets of a really nice toasty aroma.

Using the same metal measuring cup I used for the rice, I quickly measure in 2x the heated water and bring to boil as quickly as possible. Add a bit of salt, cover and lower the heat to very low. Check in 20 minutes.

I think the toasting and olive oil add a nice flavor as well as helping each kernel stay separated.
susan G. November 13, 2010
Possibly you are using too much water, then waiting until it has all been absorbed. A different technique is to bring a pot of water to a boil (maybe 1/2 more water than recommended), add rice slowly like pasta, then cook at an active simmer. When the rice is cooked through, drain excess water. I have made it like this for rice salads when you want the grains really separate.
Soozll November 13, 2010
Sorry! Too little editing to the above reply!
Soozll November 13, 2010
One more thing. I never had any fat to the rice while it cooks. Once the rice begins releasing it's starch and the starch meets the fat, it begins to coagulate...just like flour fat does when mixed with butter or fat in making gravy, it thickens and that makes the texture sticky.
pierino November 13, 2010
I agree with Mr V here. And the key factors are; first and foremost, what type of rice are you using? Long grain aka Carolina white rice shouldn't get sticky---or at least not too sticky. Now, short grain, say, arborio, bomba, cal-rose will get sticky and they are supposed to be that way!! Where I disagree is that rinsing rice prior to use is, I think, a waste of time and water. And yes, salt is essential to good rice. And could I just add that cooking rice is an art.
Mr_Vittles November 13, 2010
I usually rinse until the water is clear. I also add a bit of salt to add flavor. If your rice is too sticky try using a better type. I like Jasmine, but Basmati is usually a little more dry and much less sticky. Personally, I like that sticky quality and short grain is my favorite.
Soozll November 13, 2010
I just follow the directions on the rice package and I've never had sticky or soggy or overplumped or undercooked ,white rice. Brown rice,'s always sticky-ish, but not white! Try Basmati rice, even the brown basmati. It's always fluffy...just follow the package directions!
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