What are fresno chilies? I never heard of them. Are also known by another name?
I have a question about the ingredient "red fresno chiles, coarsely chopped" on the recipe "Fresh Sriracha (aka, home made 'Rooster')" from edamame2003.
Recipe question for:
Fresh Sriracha (aka Homemade Rooster)
Garrison G.May 30, 2020
this is an old thread- but I wanted to clarify- this is not like a red jalepeno in fact far from it. They are thinner fleshed and less hot. they also have an incredible character compared to many others in the same heat scale.
pierinoJanuary 2, 2012
All hot peppers if left on the vine to ripen will turn red and sometimes they get a name change (for marketing reasons). Chipotle peppers for example are red jalapenos that have been smoked.
edamame2003December 31, 2011
Hi there--I've seen them labeled as serrano. My go-to substitution are red jalapeños. They're a tiny bit hotter but good.
edamame2003December 31, 2011
Hi there--I've seen them labeled as serrano. My go-to substitution are red jalapeños. They're a tiny bit hotter but good.
nutcakesDecember 31, 2011
The Cook's Thesauras has a good guide to Chiles and substitutions. It says this chile is similar to jalapeno but hotter, and is out in summer and fall. Can you get red jalapenos?
carolynborskeJanuary 2, 2012
Thank you Nutcakes. Living in the chicagoland area you'd think there would be no problem finding what ever it is you need. Truth be told you still have to hunt for some items. Red jajapenos are scarce. Luckily Edamame2003 jogged my brain when she said they are also refered to as serrano...they are plentiful. Thank you both for your knowledgable and prompt response.
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