Am I not seeing clearly here?..won't be the first time....if this is a Charcuterie challenge than I would think the finalists recipes would be fi...

...rst and foremost an original/or clearly adapted enough to be called one's own recipe. From what I have read here so far, One Vanilla Bean took Mrs. Wheelbarrow's recipe--used a cheaper form of Armagnac--or generic brandy...and called it her own...and is now a finalist to win a huge prize because she attached it to some homemade Ritz Crackers and Apple jelly?...I can see her being in the finals were it a Your Best Crostini Appetizer contest....this isn't her Charcuterie recipe....can someone please explain

  • Posted by: loubaby
  • January 2, 2012


loubaby January 2, 2012
Thanks Cathy....I didn't read the rules because I knew I wasn't entering the contest...I thought the contest was like all the other ones and just based on the recipe....I can see now why she is a finalist...there is such a blur these days on who is get credit for something with the onslaught of blogs on the internet.....I wish I had more time to devote to exploring the whole world of food like so many people I see....unfortunately, work and earning a living always gets in the way.
MrsWheelbarrow January 2, 2012
Hi Loubaby,
Thanks for asking this question. The Charcutepalooza blog entries were judged on three elements equally - writing, photography and recipe (original or adapted.) There was no requirement for a charcuterie recipe, per se, as the Charcutepalooza participants were encouraged to follow the meaty cookbook/bible/guide - Charcuterie by Ruhlman and Polcyn. Many chose to follow those recipes to the letter, while others made up their own spins on classic recipes. As such, over the course of the year, participants' monthly posts often highlighted recipes for stunning condiments, amazing side dishes, and yes, some remarkable charcuterie. I hope that clears up your question. For further information, please refer to the Ruhls at or write to me at [email protected].
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