I need a good red pizza sauce...authentically Italian of possible.

I'm trying to do justice to the great Italian culinary traditions and this is the next tradition I'm trying to wrap my head around.

  • Posted by: wutztgc
  • January 8, 2012


Cannizzo January 9, 2012
I agree with Nina I am from Naples Italy and our pizza sauce is never cooked this is the way we do it start the day before or that morning take one can 28oz San Marzano tomatoes chop two garlic cloves chop some fresh basil oregano salt and pepper mix everything in a bowl I squeeze the tomatoe with my hands a little then you cover refrigerate till ready to use you don't need to cook the sauce becouse you will be baking it so you will be assuring that you get that fresh tomato taste on your pizza
Nina L. January 9, 2012
All of the suggestion above sound good, but an authentic pizza sauce must include oregano.
dfchud January 9, 2012
There's a great marinara sauce on the Trufflehead app. It's great on pizza. Just San Marzano tomatoes, garlic, parsley, olive oil, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. If you know someone who has it, ask them to email it to you.
Taiyyaba January 9, 2012
I use the "5 minute tomato sauce" from 101 Cookbooks - it's bright and perfect for pizza.
janixes January 9, 2012
Simple: tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, dry herbs, olive oil, s&p
jmburns January 9, 2012
I use Mario Batali recipe from the Babbo cookbook. Very similar to recipe above but has added carrot for some sweetness. It is not notticeable in the final product.
bigpan January 8, 2012
As I learned from a famous chef in tuscany, put a clove or two of garlic in a hot pan of oil, pull out the cloves when they are brown, toss in a can of Italian tomato and sautéed then add tomato paste to get to the consistency you want. Add wine to thin, add tomato to thicken. Use Italian tinned tomato - it is tinned at the best ripeness. Italians use it, why don't we? It is good and best .

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