Dried fruit suggestions for traditional English/French fruitcake?

I want to make a traditional fruitcake, but the "diced fruits for cake" mixtures are a little neon and scary. Any suggestions for brands or alternatives to the acid-green and candy-apple-red mixtures? Thanks for any advice!

Jana Maiuri


witloof December 14, 2018
I made some beautiful fruitcakes last year from a King Arthur recipe. I used dried pineapple, California apricots, sour cherries, currants, figs, candied orange peel, and cantaloupe.
Nancy December 13, 2018
If you want a French direction, use a simple combo of dried apricots and dried plums (Pierre Herme) or dried apricots and raisins (Julia Child) from their Pain d'epices recipes.
Wendy December 13, 2018
Raisins, figs, dried cranberries, currants, candied ginger and citrus peel, dried apricots and pear and dates for sweet neon cherry replacement.
Ted December 13, 2018
If you look a the various fruitcake recipes over on the King Arthur Flour website, you'll get ideas for dried fruits to use. You can also buy various blends of dried fruits from them.
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