Question about kayb's recipe for Oven Barbecued Pork

I've had the meat marinating in the rub for about 36 hours....starting to cook it now. Two things are unclear:

1) in Step 3, the recipe says to combine the sauce ingredients in a sauce pan - but nothing about cooking it. I'm assuming it's meant to be simmered a few minutes? (The only mention of cooking is at the end of the recipe, if you want add'l sauce for serving.)

2) The ingredient list specifies 1/2 cup oil, but the recipe doesn't say what to do with it. Again, assuming it goes in the sauce?




nutcakes January 11, 2012
Until kayb comes along....I'd simmer the sauce for 15 minutes. I think the oil is part of the sauce--the recipes I've seen have oil (not that much usually) and it is listed along with the sauce ingredients. I might try 1/2 the oil and see what I think. Yum, I could go for some pulled pork.
amysarah January 11, 2012
Thanks, nutcakes. That's pretty much what I figured...and I also thought it sounded like a lot of oil. I'm halving the recipe overall, so I used a bit less than 1/4 c. So far, looking (and smelling) good!
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