A question about a recipe: Dr. Zhivago Borscht

I have a question about the ingredient "grapeseed oil" on the recipe "Dr. Zhivago Borscht" from Naked Beet. I'm so excited to make this! Does anyone have thoughts about the possibility of using an oil other than grapeseed oil? Suggestions, cautions, successes? Next, summoning the courage and energy to make my own black bread. Thanks all! :)

Dr. Zhivago Borscht
Recipe question for: Dr. Zhivago Borscht


NakedBeet February 28, 2012
Before I switched to grapeseed oil for all my cooking, I used to use canola and vegetable with no major flavor difference. There is so very little oil in here to begin with, the amount of beets in the recipe really covers up any flavor from the oil, even if you used olive oil! Hope it turns out well for you!
giuliettanicoletta February 28, 2012
Thank you, yes, it was absolutely delicious. I enjoyed many bowls of it, as did my other half, from mid-morning to midnight! I love it cold; he prefers to heat his up. In fact, my mom and I were just discussing your recipe this morning. She'll be making it for the first time today, with beets and carrots from her garden. You've brought something delightful to our whole family. Yay!
hardlikearmour January 11, 2012
Canola would work. You just need a neutrally flavored oil with a highish smoke point.
giuliettanicoletta January 11, 2012
Great, thanks!!!
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