A question about a recipe: Brown Rice Jambalaya-ish
I've had a few chef friends tell me that frozen shrimp is generally the "freshest" in the sense that it's frozen right on the boat, whereas other shrimp has to travel... Could one substitute frozen? If so, how would that work?
Recipe question for:
Brown Rice Jambalaya-ish
Recommended by Food52
The stuff you get inland at a supermarket is simply the frozen product that's thawed on ice in the display case. Maybe even for a couple of days.
The bagged frozen shrimp is better---sometimes you can ask the people behind the counter, and if they're good, they'll pull out a bag of most recent shipment (frozen) for you instead of directing you to the freezer section. "Are these previously frozen" "yes" "could you get a bag of the most recent frozen product, Please"
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Frozen shrimp thaws rather quickly. enjoy!