What wine do I pair with smoked almond stuffed dates wrapped in bacon?

Looking for a wine pairing for a dinner party, this is the opening appetizer, and my assignment from the hostess is to find a wine to pair with it. I've had recommendations for a crozes hermitage 100% syrah or sherry . . .thoughts?

  • Posted by: LauraBB
  • January 20, 2012


bigpan January 20, 2012
Although I would usually agree with champagne, the dates and bacon will destroy the taste of the bubbly. Go for a Pinot grigio instead, or if you want bubbles use a sparkling wine instead of champagne.
hardlikearmour January 20, 2012
I had a really nice sparkling Rosé of Malbec called Reginato Mendoza that I think would work really well.
Bevi January 20, 2012
I agree - go with the Bubbly.
davidpdx January 20, 2012
Champagne or a decent dry-side domestic sparking would work nicely.
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