Wild duck breasts - to brine or not to brine?

I have a pound of wild duck breasts (spoonbill, mallard, etc.) from a hunter friend. Should I brine the breasts before I sautee them? If so, what's a good brine. Was going to have a grand Marnier sauce. Thanks.

  • Posted by: DebJ
  • February 19, 2012
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Hagerty February 19, 2012
The biggest issue is that you have different types of duck with quite different flavors. Mallards are considered "dabblers" they eat mostly grass grain and moss while spoonies are divers which dig around in the mud with that big "spoon" bill. Mallards taste great brined or not. Spoonies taste like mud.

I usually brine my wild duck.
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