A question about a recipe: Preserved and Fresh Lemon Hummus

I have a question about the ingredient "quarters preserved lemon, rinsed". What is a preserved Lemon?

  • Posted by: Jonathan
  • February 29, 2012
Preserved and Fresh Lemon Hummus
Recipe question for: Preserved and Fresh Lemon Hummus


susan G. February 29, 2012
There are several very good recipes for the lemons on the site, and one in a Hotline answer, from Pegeen:
There is a quick version from Mark Bittman you could try (check the comments in that question).

I use home-made preserved lemons, quite well aged, rinsed but with both peel and pulp (watch for seeds). This really gives the hummus a punch.
Maedl February 29, 2012
You can easily make them yourself--although they take several weeks until they are ready. Or you can buy them in jars at a Middle Eastern grocery shop. Whole Foods used to sell them individually (one lemon goes a long way). They have not had them for several months now, but tell me they should have them in stock sometime in March.
Mr_Vittles February 29, 2012
Preserved lemons are akin to pickled lemons, they are salted and cured for a certain amount of time. Making them edible/palatable and great in a multitude of dishes.
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