Two questions about the web site

1) How does a recipe become a Community Pick? 2) What do the pie-shaped symbols next to users' names mean?

  • Posted by: Pegeen
  • March 14, 2012


susan G. March 16, 2012
I have read an article, in what was called Articles, but I couldn't find it. On the contest page there's a link to contest rules -- 2. is about the community picks. (This page needs updating, though. The scheduling and purpose have changed.)
You can email [email protected] when you have site and how-to questions.
creamtea March 15, 2012
There are recipe contests every two weeks. You have about a week to submit a recipe. 2 recipes are chosen as finalists, to be voted on by the community. A separate group of recipes are selected as potential community picks: of these, some are tested by the editors, and the rest are offered up for testing by the community. You can volunteer to test a recipe at that time (they do go quickly). With a positive review by the tester, a recipe in that group may be selected by the editors as a community pick.
Pegeen March 15, 2012
Thanks for the help, everyone! (I hadn't been able to find an explanation about Community Picks through the FAQs, but maybe I'm just search impaired!). But now I know what pie means! Thanks again.
susan G. March 14, 2012
Put the cursor on the pie, and a green balloon will pop up with the answer to that question.
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 14, 2012
FOOD52's FAQ's may provide you with further details
ubs2007 March 14, 2012
I'm new to this site, but I think the level of shade on the pie indicates how active you may be or how much you have contributed via recipe submissions and responses to hotline questions.

Re: community pick - I assume it's based on number of members who view, save or give feedback on the recipe. I may be totally wrong.
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