Use for apples

Picked 6 pounds of apples today (mostly winesap). Anyone have thoughts on how to use them? Thinking of making a traditional two-crust pie, but don't have a go-to recipe.

Merrill Stubbs


jsdunbar October 15, 2012
Core, peel, slice & dry a whole lot. They will make great snacks all winter. If the peels have a little apple on them, dry the peels too.
Sadassa_Ulna October 15, 2012
I have a bowl of apples I plan to turn into pie too, maybe I will make one of the suggestions above!
In addition to pie, this is one of my favorite ways to use up apples:
Bevi October 14, 2012
I love Liz the Chef's Pear Crisp turned to Apple Crisp:

And I do get lots of compliments on my double caramelized apple jam:
drbabs October 14, 2012
I tested this recipe for community pick and I think you'll really like it. (it's truly scrumptious)
Droplet October 14, 2012
If you don't quite get to pastry rolling, you could make a sponge cake pudding of sorts as well, with apples on the bottom and batter poured on top.
You probably already know this, but it's good to keep in mind that cooked apples in general slow down elimination in babies, whereas uncooked ones (juice,puree), facilitate it.
Foodelf October 14, 2012
Tarte Tatin or Stacey's fantastic Apple Nougat Tart -

This serves as a reminder to make it again very soon to celebrate Apple Season!
queso October 14, 2012
Apple Butter. Cut em up and cook em down really slow (a slow cooker on low works great). Add a tiny bit of cinnamon and nutmeg at the very end. When it's the consistency of tempered butter, pass it through a chinois.
Sam1148 October 14, 2012
Store them! They can last a long time if done correctly. Like sweet onions one old time trick for long term storage without a 'root cellar' using panty hose, old stockings..etc.

Put in an apple, tie a knot in the hose, and then repeat. Hang it up in a dark closet.
When you need one or so..snip off below the knot.

I would do this more often but I'm kinda embarrassed to purchase panty hose...or ask my female friends for their used panty hose.
Benny October 14, 2012
cook the apples down in sugar and roll them up in cinnamon rolls.
Darlene C. October 14, 2012
How about long and slow roasted apples for Clara? I made Dorie Greenspan's slow roasted apples (Around my French Table) for a dinner party recently . It was a hit with the adults, as well as a 9 month old baby girl. If you have any leftovers, they make a great filling for hand pies, or simple eaten with ice cream or whipped cream.
pierino October 13, 2012
I'm planning on using pan carmelized fall fruits, such as apples and pears on flat breads for breakfasts. Possibly add a bit of jamon on there and a smelly cheese like cabrales to wake everyone up.
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