What to do with Sunchokes?

Just received a bunch in this weeks CSA box and am not sure what to do with them. I've had a creamed sunchoke soup, but am looking for other options. I searched the site but received "no matches". Any ideas?



susan G. April 20, 2012
Another 'just found' -- sunchokes have 4.5 g iron per serving (usually 100 g) -- that's substantial for a tuber.
susan G. April 19, 2012
I just found Bon Appetit, September 1978, in a give-away pile. There's a pickling article by James K. McNair, author of All About Pickling (1975). He has Jerusalem Artichoke Mustard Pickles. It uses 10 pounds, makes 4 quarts. I checked their website and there's another one but not this... He suggests serving them with Chinese recipes calling for pickled cucumbers.
meganvt01 April 19, 2012
When I search "sunchoke" I get 20 recipes - included mine for roasted sunchokes with hazelnut gremolata :) http://www.food52.com/recipe/sunchoke
SeaJambon April 19, 2012
Meganvto1 -- well, I'm a bit embarrassed, but you're right. I searched for "sunchockes" and came up with no matches -- my spelling error is the problem, not lack of recipes. Oops!
LeBec F. April 19, 2012
one of our fav fav veggies.Native to NE U.S.Texture and taste of a nutty carrot.
1) absolutely no need to peel them;never have, never will. Just wash them well, as they are a tuber.
2) sliced raw in salads or as snacks
3) tossed w some oil, s and p; roasted 400 degreesF 10 minutes or til easily pierced .
4) sauteed and pureed as sauce or soup or starch puree (also good mixed w/ mashed potatoes.)
Have alot of flavor on their own but pair well with most herbs and spices, orange zest.
boulangere April 18, 2012
I found myself in your shoes not too long ago, and wrote about the bounty on my blog, The Solitary Cook. Here is the link: http://wp.me/27pPl In the Search field enter sunchokes, and some ideas will pop up. I had a great time with them, and hope you enjoy them as well!
SeaJambon April 18, 2012
boulangere - What fun! Thank you for sharing your blog site, and the pickled sunchokes, onions and ginger sounds AMAZING! Can't wait to try it! And great blog too -- loved the "strangest day". Montana is a wild and wonderful place. My grandparents used to live in a small town (small town Montana -- is that redundant?) in the central South of the state -- Sheridan. Spent many summers there. Ivan Doig is one of my favorite authors...
boulangere April 19, 2012
I know where Sheridan is. It's southwest of one of my favorite parts of the state, over around Bozeman and Yellowstone Park. Fortunately not every is as, uh, interesting as those few were. Have fun with your sunchokes!
withinseason April 18, 2012
Have you tried looking under 'Jerusalem artichoke'? There are recipes listed that way on many sites. Brussels sprouts are a little out of season now, but this idea looks good. Maybe riff on it for a similar, more seasonal option?

Quinciferous April 18, 2012
We've generally peeled, chopped and roasted them with salt and olive oil -- they're great like that.
kbckitchen April 18, 2012
Artichoke relish!! Delicious. Google for a variety of recipes. The traditional southern style includes turmeric peppers onions etc. I have a recipe that I can post on Friday if you haven't found one.
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