I'm looking for a good cranberry bread recipe for Thanksgiving brunch. I know foodpickle is overwrought- but I can't find a decent recipe that isn't gimmicky or cardboard.



Hilarybee November 19, 2010
aargersi, love the coffee cake. I will definitely try it, one way or another. I have about 10 bags of cranberries in my freezer (99 cents a bag, I couldn't contain myself...)
Syronai, thank you. I'm not gluten-free, just allergic to most tree nuts. I generally try to avoid GF food too, because usually it contains nut flour, and I'm deathly afraid of being accidently poisoned.
beyondcelery November 19, 2010
Mine is gluten-free and dairy-free, but delicious, you'll never tell the difference, and it's meant for fresh cranberries:

You can also just add up the amount of different flours I use and substitute all of it with regular all-purpose flour, if you don't need it to be gluten-free.
aargersi November 19, 2010
how about a coffee cake?


Hilarybee November 19, 2010
Thanks, campagnes.
campagnes November 19, 2010
I absolutely love this one. http://kitchencounterblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/apple-cranberry-bread.html
SweetTea November 19, 2010
Ah! Yes, I can't imagine it w/o the nuts. Scones... yum.... Good Luck! And Happy Thanksgiving. Cheers!
Hilarybee November 19, 2010
Thanks for the help- I think I'll try to adapt a recipe. Wish me luck!
Hilarybee November 19, 2010
Sorry, that was @sadassa_una. SweetTea, I've had the oceanspray recipe and it is definitely classic. I have to remove the nuts (because I'm allergic) so the recipe kind of loses its sparkle without the nuts. If I have to, I might make a meyer lemon/cranberry scone. But loafs last longer and are moister- better for my family's thanksgiving plans.
Hilarybee November 19, 2010
I'm not sure the liquid would work out in that particular recipe- I plan to use fresh cranberries. I'm certain it would work using dried cranberries, though.
SweetTea November 19, 2010
For years, my mother-in baked cranberry nut bread in a coffee tin. It is the joy of the family. A few years ago I started putting together all the family recipes and then some for my family and friends. I asked for her cranberry nut bread recipe, assuming it to be some sort of secret treasure. (It is a treasure, just not secret.) Check the recipe on the back of the bag of Ocean Spray cranberries. Or go here... http://www.oceanspray.com/recipes/Classic_Cranberry_Nut_Bread.aspx?id=234&nid=5
Sadassa_Ulna November 19, 2010
What if you took an orange flavored tea bread and added cranberries? I found this orange date bread here on food52, maybe swap the dates with cranberries and increase the sugar a tad (since dates are sweeter than cranberries?)
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