What is the recipe for macaroni and cheese?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


Pegeen July 1, 2012
This is very good:

Benny July 1, 2012
this can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. My mother literally threw diced cheese in with cooked macaroni noodles, splashed some milk in there and then microwaved it until it was melty and gooey.

My method is this:

-cook noodles in boiling, salted water until al dente.
-Make a bechamel and melt cubes of sharp cheddar cheese until you get the cheesyness you desire
-combine the two in a casserole dish and top with bread crumbs and finely grated parmesan
-bake in a 350 F oven for about half an hour.

pierino July 2, 2012
Bechamel is indeed the mother of all mac and cheese. Be sure to scald the milk before stirring into your roux. Add a good melting cheese (it's now "sauce mornay") and you can begin working it into your cooked macaroni. Other ingredients to add to your sauce; grated nutmeg, salt and pepper, chili pepper, white truffle oil and many other options----just don't use them all at once.
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