Lodge vs Staub and LeCrueset enamel durability
My old Lodge Dutch oven has been with me for many years,and the white enamel interior is beginning to show some age. I was wondering if the more expensive manufacturers enamel ware is more stain resistant over time ? I use this dutch oven to bake bread , and wonder if the high oven temps are also some cause of discoloration? The finish is still intact, just crazed with many scratch like marks. Do the other brands so this too, over time and with much wear and tear ?
Fairly certain that it was either last season's color or a gift return.
Kbckitchen, my Lodge pot and I are right there with you...you made me laugh out loud with your response...ch
FWIW: I also have a much newer "copy-cat" le crueset type dutch oven purchased in a major department store and bearing the name of a well known home diva (no, not Rachel Ray -- I won't go into the shortcomings of the equipment bearing her name!) that appeared to be a good stand-in. Still pricey, but not nearly as pricey as the le crueset. Two years later and a reasonable amount of use, it is equally stained and starting to rust along the rim. Sigh. The real thing may be stained, but is much, much older and there is no rust! Once again: you get what you pay for!
The Mario Batali stuff was really good. So good that Sur La Table went to the manufacturer and started producing their own while phasing out the Mario line.