Ground cherries

I was given a small gift of some ground cherries by another vendor at last week's farmer's market. Has anyone ever used these? I would love some ideas. They have a wonderful bright, sweet flavor.



PhillipBrandon August 1, 2012
What you're describing are indeed "Physalis" which I know by the name 'cape gooseberry'. They can definitely be used like fruit (they are, after all!) They've got a lot of natural pectin in them which makes them ideal for jams.
I think that bright flavor that you describe pairs well with meats in savory dishes. Especially with a darker flavored meat like lamb.
petitbleu August 1, 2012
Ah, the elusive cape gooseberry! Yes, I imagine they would make a really fantastic relish of some sort. Thank you!
petitbleu August 1, 2012
They're little golden fruits wrapped in a papery sheath, like a tomatillo but tiny. I was thinking they could be used like fruit, but wanted to fish for ideas before using them.
Maedl August 1, 2012
Do you mean regular cherries that have been dried and ground or do you mean physallis? If you are referring to physallis, I have eaten them--they are usually served raw and used to decorate a plate. Where I live they are sold in small containers and usually appear in the winter.
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