New cauliflower on the grill ideas?

I purchased a 5lb. cauliflower earlier this week, so you can imagine we've been eating it quite a bit. I could use some inspiration. Last time I sliced it and grilled it with Tandori spices. We are also having lamb chops and spinach.

Summer of Eggplant


Summer O. September 16, 2012
Savorthis - No, I am not done with this cauliflower yet, but may be 'off' of it for a few months to come. Thank you for the ideas, I will need them this week. Having it picked as part of a banchan tonight.
savorthis September 15, 2012
Sounds good Sam!
Sam1148 September 15, 2012

you mentioned thahini and mid-east spices..which leads me to using the couscous application with parsley tomatoes, dressed with lemon, olive oil, etc. and feta cheese as a Tabouleh salad--replacing the bulgur wheat with the cauliflower couscous.

What a great jumping off point...thanks!
savorthis September 15, 2012
You might be done with your cauliflower by now but if you have any left, there are two preparations I return to again and again. The first is a roasted cauliflower 'risotto.' I cut small florets, toss in oil, s&p and roast to crispy. Then we cook some onions/garlic and add barley or farro and broth cooking until fairly tender. I use an immersion blender to blend a bit of it which makes it creamy, then stir in some fresh herbs, grated cheese and the cauliflower. Wonderful with grilled rib eye. Second is this crazy pizza I found one day. You basically rice, then pre-cook the cauliflower (microwave or steam), mix it with grated mozz., an egg, and some spices. Form it into a crust shape and bake until golden. Top with tomato sauce, cheese, cooked veg and broil until bubbly. It is so surprisingly good. Oh and there is a third! Roast with coriander, cumin, ginger, then blend with tahini etc. per this F&W recipe: Amazingly good.
Summer O. September 13, 2012
Sam - These are all great ideas. SJ- I like the quick pickles too, I'll use that tomorrow since I still have about 1 pound left.
SeaJambon September 13, 2012
Wow! Sam -- that sounds fabulous!! We mostly roast cauliflower in the oven, cut into small florets and tossed in olive oil and curry powder. That's probably too close to what Summer of Eggplant was already doing to be a good alternative, though.

Another thought -- quick pickles?
Sam1148 September 13, 2012
Thinking more about her menu, and the lamb and spinach. A flat bread on the grill and a humus or Baba Ganoush. With the spinach in a creamed with yogurt and spices and the lamb grilled on skewers in with a middle eastern marinade.
She could also just use the cauliflower in the skewers with the marinade.
But, I'm very partial to the couscous.
I'll get frozen naan bread from the Indian market and brush that ghee if I'm not feeling elaborate enough to make it from scratch. The couscous holds up amazing well and doesn't turn gummy if held for a long time.
Sam1148 September 13, 2012
How about a Califlower couscous? You cut the cauliflower in to florets. And process in a food processor with very light pulses..just a few at time and very lightly you don't want mush, but couscous like texture.

Saute that briefly with some stock, a bit of cumin, allspice, maybe even cinnamon or a pinch of ginger powered. (basically any middle eastern spices combo will do). Again you don't want mush just lightly cook. Add olive oil, salt and pepper.
From there you can garnish with green onions, and some other fresh veggie bits. I think sliced cheery or chopped sun dried tomatoes would work too and boost up the color.
That would go well with the lamb.
When I make it I use it as a base for lamb stew.
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