mint potatoes, tried unsuccessfully to dupicate mild flavored mint boiled! thanks, lizzanne



usuba D. October 3, 2012
I put my potatoes, salt and mint in the water all at once and bring to a boil, then simmer til done.
LIZZANNE October 3, 2012
Hi usuba dashi, I used the leaves not the stalk, do you put them in before the water boils or after?
usuba D. October 3, 2012
My mum, grand mum and now myself always add fresh mint, stalk and all, to the water in our new potatoes and we always get a wonderful mint flavour. Was your mint fresh? Did you use the whole piece of mint? Mint is like cilantro . . . . much of the flavour is in the stalk.
Kizandtango October 3, 2012
Olive oil and mint bashed up in a pestle and mortar with some salt and pepper, added to the potatoes when still hot and drained is all you need. While STILL HOT is key. Dont add mint to the water, its a soft herb and it doesnt really work.
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