chocolate sources

Any sources for good quality chocolate that is priced relatively well? Normally, I try to use the best stuff I can get my hands on. But I'll be making a whole slew of truffles for a party, and they won't be front and center

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • December 23, 2012


LisaMC December 24, 2012
Whole Foods Markets have selections in their grocery and specialty departments. The grocery selections are priced quite well with several to choose from.
ChefOno December 23, 2012

I've been working with Hershey's Special Dark lately. I may be partial to the brand because that's what I grew up. But Special Dark is different in that it contains a blend of so-called natural and dutched cocoas which give it a depth and complexity not found in other chocolates. Plus it's not expensive.

jsdunbar December 23, 2012
It's not cheap, but since I started using Bernard Callebault I won't settle for anything less.
Diana B. December 23, 2012
I think Trader Joe's is a good source.
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