I want to make this for company but don't want to do so much last minute cooking. How much of this can I do ahead? Can I stop mid-braise and then...

...finish right before dinner? Hmmmmmm....

  • Posted by: JosieD
  • December 30, 2012
Coq au Vin
Recipe question for: Coq au Vin


ChefOno December 31, 2012

You should assume all poultry is contaminated with salmonella, campy or E. coli. Stopping the cooking mid-braise would put it smack in the middle of the danger zone for far too long, encouraging those nasty little buggers to multiply and wreak havoc with you and your guests. Cook it properly, cool it properly, reheat it properly and have a happy New Year.

pierino December 30, 2012
Braised dishes are typically better the next day so you could make the whole thing a day ahead and then finish for serving. It might not look as pretty as that picture but you don't have to be a food stylist.
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