I really don't like sweet potatoes. What could I substitute for them in this recipe? Mushrooms? Something else? It's not just a matter of taste, I...

... suppose, but texture

  • Posted by: louisez
  • January 26, 2013


louisez January 27, 2013
That's also a great idea. Thanks!
bugbitten January 27, 2013
Jerusalem artichokes?
Maedl January 27, 2013
I think mangoes might be a good substitute--they would add the sweetness that you wuld get from sweet potatoes.
louisez January 27, 2013
Parsnips or carrots -- or parsnips and carrots -- are a great suggestion. (I'm sad to say I'm not a fan of squash.) Thanks for the suggestions.
fiveandspice January 26, 2013
You might also try parsnips or carrots, if those don't bother you, or cubed butternut squash.
em-i-lis January 26, 2013
Do you like regular potatoes? Tofu? Celery root might be kinda funky but good...It's delicious when roasted!
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