I'm in Mexico, where water chestnuts are nowhere to be found. Do you think I could substitute jicama?

  • Posted by: MtIdaho
  • January 28, 2013


Kristen M. January 28, 2013
I've never tried cooking jicama, only eating it raw -- does it stay crunchy?

It might be a little on the sweet side so I'd go easy on the brown sugar, but just about anything would taste good wrapped up like this, so you should be fine!
HalfPint January 29, 2013
yes it does stay crunchy. My mother sometimes puts jicama in her egg rolls for extra crunch.
HalfPint January 28, 2013
Yes, I think you can. The jicama will retain its crunch when cooked.
MtIdaho January 29, 2013
Thank you for that... I've never tried cooking jicama, so wasn't sure how it would hold up. I'm going to try the recipe as soon as I can track down some decent bacon, which is another challenge down here.
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