My wife pre-made an apple pie last weekend and froze it. The filling and the crust were both uncooked. Was this the right thing to do? How do we get it cooked? Should it be thawed first or should it be put in the oven frozen? Any temperature adjustments?
Thanks in advance for any advice given.

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1 Comment

chefdaniel November 23, 2010
Sure it is just like buying a frozen pie from a store. The pie should be cooked just like any other frozen pie. Do not thaw it first, you may want to brush on a little unsalted butter to give it a great brown glaze look. Bake at about 325 to 350 until the filling is bubbly and the shell is done. After a while take the pie out and put aluminum foil around the crust to prevent it from browning too much and becoming a burnt offering.
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