How to brown meatballs evenly?
I just made meatballs (in tomato sauce, for spaghetti). They are delicious, but unevenly browned. The recipes I consulted (including Lucinda Scala Quinn's Mad Hungry and the always-reliable 365-Ways to Cook Hamburger and Other Ground Meat) call for browning the meatballs evenly before simmering in the tomato sauce. But I ended up with meatballs that were very patchy. Sometimes nicely browned on 2 sides, with an unbrowned area around the middle (like the equator, if you think about each meatball like a planet). I made sure not to crowd the pan while browning.
Any meatball experts out there who can share some tricks?
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That ring around the middle is likely an indication you didn't have quite enough oil in the pan.
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