Can I pre make my meatballs (keep in fridge for a while before browning)?
I have a moist meatball recipe I use, and have always made them just before browning, and putting in to y sauce.
Does anyone know if I can make my meatballs beforehand, in the fridge for a short while, and then use - and will they still remain moist?
BTW My moisture comes from an egg, and white bread soaked in grated onion - will they still be moist if left in fridge and browned later, before adding to sauce? I also have parmesan, herbs, and salt. I am told salt draws out moisture, that's why I am asking?
I would love to do that, save so much hassle!
Do they still stay moist and soft when you eventually brown them and cook them in the sauce? That's my concern - keeping them moist and soft.