Ribs in the oven at 250, do I keep them fat side up the whole time?

Rebecca Rachelson Kanov


bigpan March 10, 2013
I cover with foil and drain the fat every couple hours. They should be falling off the bone in 5-6 hours. Mix in your BBQ sauce for the last hour.
(I pre cut into serving sizes of two-bone pieces before cooking.)
You can also do same method with whole or half racks and transfer to a BBQ grill for last hour with the sauce - but then you have two things to clean up and they will taste the same either way.
WileyP March 10, 2013
You bet! If you turn the fat side down, the fat simply drips off the ribs and goes to waste. Keep the fat side up because you want that fat to slowly render down over the meat, keeping it moist and imparting that succulent pork-fat flavor. Slurp!
Rachel,Myers March 9, 2013
Don't mess with them, leave them be. They will be fine.
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