"Behind the Scene" Photo with Your Recipe Photos>> Fun Idea?

In the recent Cheap Feasts contest, I included a 'behind the scenes' photo for 52er Kukla, because in one of her 'cooking with tea' recipes,she referred to her 'cool nights' and i was teasing her about that when she lives in a very temperate part of the u.s. (and my photo shows alot of snow out the window behind the tacos i was shooting!):

So this led to my thinking- wouldn't it be fun to see 'the bigger picture' (i.e. 'behind the scenes photo') associated with some of the recipe photos we submit? I was thinking that maybe some would show the chaos surrounding the calm, or the more professional tools (light reflectors,support flashes, tripods,ladders)used to get the shot. or the floor in the foyer where the light is best.....or tons of scenarios i haven't even thought of. Well anyway,i hope some of you might try it; i'd love to see them!

LeBec Fin


AntoniaJames March 14, 2013
Such a great idea! I often send photos of the chaos to my sons when I'm assembling the "Care" packages send to them at college, e.g., spice blends + Torrisi sauce + banana bread or Nekisia's granola, all made simultaneously as I desperately (Girl, what were you thinking?!) try to pull the treats together, bubble-wrap the jams/berries/marmalades and get it all boxed up in time for the USPS pickup. I do think it would be great fun to see what other people do. (My black background is my 1910 Steinway O. My weathered table has been seen in several FOOD52 potluck reports.) I have no equipment, and even less time, so food photography in this household is shoe-horned in under pressure. Okay, I take that back. I have a good DSL camera (Nikon D90) but have yet to exploit its capabilities for this purpose.) ;o)
savorthis March 14, 2013
I like that idea. Mine would undoubtably include the pile of flour, water, old spices and condiments I let my daughter mix and play with when I am making a fairly involved meal and she has lost interest in the real cooking. Or, likely, a mountain of dishes in the sink!
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