Soylent and the Purpose of Food
I've been reading about a project called "Soylent" the so called perfect, efficient replacement for food. In the opinion of Soylent founder Rob Rhinehart, the purpose of food is nutrition; it can be distilled into its base elements and has no other worth. What about food, cooking as an experience or part of a heritage? What do you think about Soylent?
Personally, I take great joy in preparing, and chewing, my food. So no Soylent for me.
The idea that eating real food is a chore to be endured is pretty sad. I also think that, just maybe, there is more to nutrition and health than a pile of ingredients assembled by a few techies. The product seems puke-inducing anyway, so I wouldn't line up for a crack at the IPO just yet.
The flippant Gawker analysis:
SEriously, couldn't they pick a different name? I mean, ewwwwww.