Looking for Peppadew peppers in the Montreal area, not pickled in a jar, but fresh.

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Lindsay-Jean H. June 3, 2013
I think you have a challenging search on your hands. As you might know, the majority of Peppadew peppers are grown in South Africa, and are sold packed in brine. Last year a farm in New Jersey started growing and selling the gold variety (Goldew Peppadews) fresh. Melissa's (http://www.melissasfarmfreshproduce.com/index.cfm?PrdId=1564&InCat=0) has them in September and October, although I don't know if they ship outside of the US.

Fun fact, Merrill wrote about Peppadews for the New York Times. If you aren't able to find them fresh, perhaps you can console yourself with a Peppadew martini? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/06/style/tmagazine/06tstaples.html
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