Olive oil cake

I'm looking for a good lemon olive oil cake recipe. There are plenty online but I'm having a hard time picking one. Has anyone found one that they like more than others?

  • Posted by: NealB
  • June 5, 2013


Nancy December 9, 2014
another good one - rave reviews even when I cooked (somewhat in fear) for professional cooks and caterers - is Alice Waters' olive-oil-Sauternes-peaches cake. http://books.google.ca/books?id=X-GcbWY-2vsC&pg=PT88&lpg=PT88&dq=olive+oil+sauternes+cake+chez+panisse&source=bl&ots=W1_NN4g7ZM&sig=npVUgcFnniWhtOLEwSoxymRXtTc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=9MOGVKqsDYGsyASbo4GgAg&ved=0CGwQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=olive%20oil%20sauternes%20cake%20chez%20panisse&f=false P.S. both the regular people and the professional cooks loved the cake.
krusher June 6, 2013
Now this is what I admire about Food 52 at its best .. a genuinely collaborative coming together of truly accomplished bakers in the ranks. No egos. Genuine expert assistance. Simply excellent.
Maedl June 6, 2013
Suzanne, your cake sounds similar to revani, which would be another option for a moist, lemony cake.
sdebrango June 6, 2013
It is similar, I got the original recipe I think from Epicurious so same source. I looked at the recipe on the link and it sounds delicious.
sdebrango June 5, 2013
I was on the hunt a few months ago for an olive oil cake and found a recipe that I adapted to include semolina, now it has orange as well as lemon in it but you can omit the orange and just add the lemon. It's moist and really good, you pour a soaking syrup on the cake while it's hot, it also contains yogurt here is the recipe http://food52.com/recipes/20617-citrus-semolina-olive-oil-cake
Maedl June 5, 2013
Oops. Major detail. Here’s Patricia Wells’ recipe:
Maedl June 5, 2013
I’ve been making Patricia Wells’ Winemaker Grape Cake for years. It contains orange and lemon zest, but you could omit the orange and increase the lemon zest. I love this cake, and so does anyone who’s eaten it with me.
em-i-lis June 5, 2013
I love olive oil cakes, and my favorite to make at home is Kim Boyce's. Hers includes chocolate chips and rosemary but you could sub lemon zest and such instead. The recipe is for Olive Oil Cake and is in her book, Good to the Grain.
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