I can't get Benton's Bacon, so what's the next best brand I could try? This is going to be used in a bacon onion jam
CHeebJune 9, 2013
Unless you live near Loudon,Madisonville,Tellico Plains, or those corners of Tennessee,Benton's is mail order only. I have been ordering from them for many years, and usually buy 10-20 lbs sliced bacon and freeze it for future use and gifts.Order off season, like now, and avoid the holiday back order inevitable with small farmers like Bentons. Alan and his customer service folks aim to please ,but you do need a street address UPS can find.
amysarahJune 8, 2013
You can probably find something at Fairway, but for locally made: http://www.brooklyncured.com/index.htm . I see they make bacon, though I've only had some of their sausages - good stuff. Sold at the markets (Park Slope, DUMBO, etc.) but probably at some local shops too.
ChefJuneJune 7, 2013
I love Zingerman's but you don't need to pay them for Nueske's bacon. Nueske's has their own on-line store. www.nueskes.com.
pierinoJune 7, 2013
ChefJune, very true. But if you order from Zingerman's you can also pick up some other great stuff to spread out your shipping cost/value.
JJune 7, 2013
Thanks for all the feedback. I'm actually in Brooklyn, NY. I've seen what Fairway has to offer. I was wondering if anyone has every tried their bacon.
pierinoJune 7, 2013
It would be hard to believe that you can't find good bacon in Brooklyn, or other side of the bridge. Fairway is a good place to start. Good luck!
sexyLAMBCHOPxJune 7, 2013
Pegeen, Applegate Farms Sunday Bacon was recommended as well by CI for a supermarket brand, right.
PegeenJune 7, 2013
For supermarket brands, a couple years ago, America's Test Kitchen (Cook's Illustrated) recommended Farmland Hickory Smoked and Boar's Head Naturally Smoked Sliced.
dymnynoJune 7, 2013
I love making bacon onion jam and have a great one that includes rum. One of my favorite bacons is Whole Foods Black Forest bacon.
HalfPintJune 7, 2013
Would you be able to post a link or recipe for the bacon jam, pretty please?
happycaoJune 9, 2013
I haven't tried this yet but sure looks good:
ChefJuneJune 7, 2013
I use and recommend Nueske's. They're based in Wisconsin, but you can order on line. Chefs all over the country send for it!
pierinoJune 7, 2013
I will second ChefJune on Nueske's. You should be able to order it through the Zingerman's website.
SMSFJune 7, 2013
I love Nueske's bacon. Keep in mind that it is quite smoky and just be sure you want that flavor in your jam. Sounds good to me : )
jmburnsJune 7, 2013
Here In South Texas I would use Pedersons. But I do not know where you live.
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