How long do hydrated porcini mushrooms last when refrigerated? How much dobuou put in a large pizza?



Sam1148 July 19, 2013
I'll go with "don't cook" on second thought. But I'd still be concerned with moisture content of rehydrated mushrooms and if they'd extrude more liquid to the pizza while cooking, because they have more water content than fresh mushrooms.
Maybe a hard press between some paper towel?
Cannizzo July 19, 2013
I agree with Pierino don't cook them you shouldn't even cook the pizza sauce everything cooks in the oven
Sam1148 July 18, 2013
Hummmm..I don't know how long they last. I'd guess about the same as fresh.
If you used them on a pizza I'd suggest cooking them first so they don't extrude moisture on the pizza.
pierino July 19, 2013
How long will they last? Not long. I wouldn't keep them more than a day. I will politely disagree with Sam. For pizza don't precook them. Your cooking that pizza in a super hot oven, right?
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