How do I grill whole porgy?

I have 4 whole porgy fish, about .5 -.8 lb each, defrosting in the fridge. I plan to grill them tomorrow, on a gas grill. Please share techniques, recipes.

  • Posted by: Randi
  • July 21, 2013


bigpan July 22, 2013
If you do not have a grilling basket, season and oil the outsides and wrap in chicken wire (from any hardware store or lumberyard for a couple bucks). Easy to handle, easy to turn, easy to eat.
inpatskitchen July 22, 2013
I am so envious! I love porgy and when I can get them I like to marinate them in olive oil, lemon, garlic and oregano for about 45 minutes and them place them in a well oiled hinged grill basket. Grill over medium high heat, flipping the basket after about 5 minutes. Shouldn't take much more time than 10 minutes to grill. Lucky you!!
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