My jam was delicious but it had lots of tomato skins that didn't break down. Would you suggest peeling tomatoes first?

Roasted Tomato Jam
Recipe question for: Roasted Tomato Jam


susan G. September 9, 2013
I made this according to the recipe (almost -- I reduced the sugar substatially) with skins. We had no problem with them. Maybe the variety of tomato makes a difference.
sticksnscones September 7, 2013
Thanks so much to everyone for all you helpful answers. I'm going to use my food mill to remove the skins. LOVE this jam
Pinch&Swirl September 7, 2013
If you want to keep the depth of flavor from the skins, but not have them in chunks, perhaps peel first then puree them and add back to the jam?
Diana B. September 7, 2013
If you're going to do this a lot, or you make lots of tomato sauce, etc., you really would benefit by getting one of these:
petitbleu September 7, 2013
I prefer the food mill route--peeling tomatoes can get tiresome, and I also want to extract all the flavor from the tomato--skins included--before I toss them. Using a food mill after the tomato jam is done is a great way to get rid of the skins and is pretty easy to boot.
Lindsay-Jean H. September 6, 2013
For others who might find it helpful, Amanda's response to this question on the recipe page was: "The tomato slices and skins should have stayed mostly intact, so it sounds like yours turned out right. If you don't like the tomato skins, you can either peel the tomatoes before cooking or simply cut the tomatoes into chunks so the skins are minimized."
ChefJune September 4, 2013
...either peel them first or use your food mill.

Voted the Best Reply!

pierino September 4, 2013
You can easily peel tomatoes but a food mill would work as well for separating skin.
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