Is there an alternate to the blue cheese? I have a guest who is allergic to the mold in blue cheese. I want to do these again for Thanksgiving a...
...s they are so simple to do ahead and so yummy! I love them as is - and if possible will make 2 versions. Thank you
Recipe question for:
Fig & Blue Cheese Savories
melissavOctober 4, 2013
I've made this with manchego and a red pepper jelly.
JanaVeeOctober 4, 2013
I substitute goat cheese for blue cheese if I want to share something with my husband. If I want it all to myself I load on the Maytag Blue.
ChefJuneOctober 4, 2013
Yum to a sharp cheddar. Or an aged Gruyere/Comte. And maybe with Quince jam or orange marmalade with the Comte? Now thinking of that great cheese - Midnight Moon (from Cypress Grove). It's a sheeps cheese. And it would be great with blueberry jam.
dinner A.October 4, 2013
I like amysarah's idea of a sharp cheddar. In that case I might go with apple or quince instead of fig to better complement the cheddar flavor.
amysarahOctober 4, 2013
I'd think you could use grated good sharp cheddar. I haven't used this recipe, but I've made similar savory bites, using cheddar and chutney, or other fruit jam, and it works well.
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