To what internal termperature should I cook salmon
I have one of those "a little of this and cook until done" salmon recipes from a friend, but I don't cook fish much at home and I would really prefer to know what internal temperature I should cook salmon to before I prepare the dish next. I've done some Googling on the subject and the recommendations are all over the place, but I'm betting one of you crack cooks knows the definitive answer!
I like the wording of the temperature recommendation on "145 or cook until flesh is opaque and separates easily with a fork." If you'd like to cook fish often, learning to recognize when its done without a thermometer is a tool that will serve you well.
Noticing you tagged your question "safe temperature", 140F will kill any parasites present. The USDA includes an additional 5-degree margin for error, meaning 145F is the recommended finished temp.