Mincemeat - have a jar from Robertson's (?) - tastes tarty and dense. What can I make other than pie - I am the only person in my family that likes mincemeat. Could I smuggle the mincemeat in a cookie or some kind of tart?



AntoniaJames December 10, 2010
I make my own mincemeat-(minus-the-suet)-like fillings because the spice combination and fruit flavors remind me of Christmas when I was growing up. Plus, the texture is interesting, and the flavors intense. I've just posted two holiday bun recipes that are like sticky buns or cinnamon rolls, but use a mincemeat-like fruit filling instead. I also use the stuff in a really tasty quick bread, the recipe for which I'll post sometime, I hope, before 2011. And then, it's great spread on the bottom of an apple pie, or pecan pie, or (my favorite, which I also hope to post) a bourbon buttermilk pie. And then there's the default, if you really want a treat . . . stir a spoonful in your morning steel cut oats. Or put it on your toast, like jam. Can you tell that I really like the stuff? I make pints of it, of all different kinds (dried apple, cooked, not cooked, fresh apple, etc.) ;o)
aussiefoodie December 10, 2010
I'm a huge fan of mincemeat, and my family has been making these cookie bars that use 'fruit mince' for many years. Even people that don't normally like mincemeat are often big fans of these bars. They're a great way to use up your leftover mincemeat (or an excuse to make more, or open more).

You can also keep the mincemeat for next year. I'm not sure about the Robertson's jars, but I know homemade mincemeat with plenty of sugar and alcohol will keep for years, especially if stored correctly in jars in the fridge. I had a dried fig and dark chocolate mincemeat that kept for 3 years - it just got richer and stronger in flavor each year.
mainecook61 December 9, 2010
Just finished making (again!) the mincemeat cookies in Marion Cunningham's Fannie Farmer Baking Book. They're the best, especially glazed with a little icing.
takeanonion December 9, 2010
i heart food52...thumbprint cookies, stuffing, bacon jam, fillings–will report re the cookies (making this weekend), also have a frozen pork shoulder that will be needing some of that stuffing.
AntoniaJames December 9, 2010
I'll be posting some recipes in the next few days that use some "fillings" that I make, for which recipes the Robertsons would be suitable. I hope to post as well my three additional recipes for the fillings themselves. (I posted a "holiday filling" back in early October which uses green tomatoes and apples.) One filling is made with a fresh apple, one is an overnight version with dried apples, and the other has no apples, but is pretty darn good anyway. Stay tuned . . . . . . . ;o)
Kayb December 8, 2010
I'm thinking about my bacon jam. Fry up a half-pound of bacon, diced; throw it, a cup of the mincemeat, a splash of cider vinegar and a splash of balsamic vinegar, and 1/4 cup maple syrup, in a pan and simmer until the bacon gets nice and soft. Cool and pulse in the food processor until it's as smooth as you want it (I like to keep bacon 'bits" in mine). It ought to work and now I'm intrigued with the idea, so I'm going to have to try it!
betteirene December 8, 2010
All of the above, plus:

Mincemeat "stuffing"--to serve 4, prepare 6 cups of your favorite dressing (I like a mix of cornbread, French bread, onion, celery and sage moistened with rich--reduced by 1/3--chicken stock and a little butter) and stir in 1 cup of prepared mincemeat. Spread it into a buttered or sprayed square or rectangular glass baking dish. Top with four pork chops (try to get some with a little marbling through them) seasoned with salt and pepper. Bake on the top rack of a 425 degree oven until the pork is cooked through and sizzling, about a half hour depending on the thickness of the pork. Serve with baked apples or chunky hot applesauce or fried apples (caramelize apple slices in butter and sprinkle with cinnamon) and roasted green beans. Or use the mincemeat dressing to stuff a pork roast. Or use chicken in place of the pork.

Mix equal parts mincemeat and cream cheese. Spread on seedless light rye bread and pile with thin slices of leftover pork roast, ham, turkey or chicken. (The daughter-in-law I live with likes mincemeat/cream cheese on rye with pate or braunschweiger. Ewwww.)

Open a can of pears. Drain the syrup into a small saucepan and reduce by half. Stir in enough mincemeat to make a pourable sauce. Place pears into a nice bowl top with vanilla or caramel ice cream and top with mincemeat sauce and whipped cream.
plevee December 8, 2010
You could also stuff baked apples with it.
iuzzini December 8, 2010
I've been thinking that little mincemeat turnovers would be lovely as well- and you could always do some of them with jam to satisfy the non mincemeat eaters in your family as well!
takeanonion December 8, 2010
going for the thumbprint cookie suggestion; also giving the chocolate chip a whirl.
thanks to all
VanessaS December 8, 2010
You could toss it with apples or pears in a crumble or pie?
beyondcelery December 8, 2010
Cookies! Make your basic chocolate chip cookie dough and replace the chocolate chips with mincemeat. My grandmother used to do this and they turn out kind of cakey and spicy. Her chocolate chip cookie dough recipe always had 1/4 - 1/2 cup oats added, but otherwise it's just your basic recipe.
hardlikearmour December 8, 2010
How about thumbprint cookies with mincemeat instead of jam? Epicurious has some 3.5 - 4 fork recipes using jarred mincemeat including muffins and turnovers. http://www.epicurious.com/tools/searchresults?search=mincemeat&type=simple&threshold=53&sort=1
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