Is it o.k. to use frozen cranberries in this recipe?

Yogurt Bread with Molasses
Recipe question for: Yogurt Bread with Molasses


petitbleu February 4, 2014
I actually prefer to use frozen fruit in baked goods, as it tends not to "bleed" as you mix it into the batter. This is especially nice for things like scones where you have to knead the dough just a little bit.
Marian B. February 3, 2014
Definitely okay!
susanne December 30, 2013
i'd say yes. i generally buy a lot of cranberries when they're available, then freeze for use after they disappear from the market. i use them in recipes just like fresh, but their texture does change, so they're best cooked or in baked goods. add a bit of time to the baking as they do chill the dough.
Patti I. December 30, 2013
I would think so. Frozen cranberries work fine in exchange for fresh in most recipes. I have done it with a cranberry apple cake.
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