I found an OLD recipe for mincemeat that calls for "meat liquor". What is this?

It was found in some of my grandmother's things, so think 192-0's as I'm 53. She didn't allow alcohol in the house so it's not alcohol based...

  • Posted by: Randyp
  • January 11, 2014


colette C. January 12, 2014
Beef bouillon,being condensed has properties of dehydration so as a flavor tab they are okay (kind of high in salt), but as an equal to beef liquor, you as a chef know that they cannot match. I like to compare a beef tab, bouillon with beef liquor to a chicken bouillon cube with actual "schmaltz," or chicken fat; they cannot compare. so beef liquor, being the broth left over after cooking beef in liquor is why the French can turn a cheap cut of meat into beef bourguignon .And the beef stock I recommended to you uses actual beef; not like many that cheat. HOpe this helps
Casey January 12, 2014
Ah, 3663.
I stand corrected colette, though I would think that this would equate with beef boullion.
I am also a chef but virtually retired now!
colette C. January 12, 2014
The company is BFS Group Limited and the brand is Major; it is a beef stock base. If you mix it with an alcohol you will achieve the meat liquor chefs make from scratch. Sorry for any confusion, I am a chef and have access to products wholesale that may not make it online. I hope this helps.
Casey January 12, 2014
I am British & never seen this for sale.
colette C. January 11, 2014
Just to clarify, alcohol is from a distilling process, liquor is from a fermentation process. So meat Liquor is fermented meat juice. BE CAREFUL IF YOU MAKE THIS YOURSELF. British sites sell this product. The easy way is just to add the liquor.
colette C. January 11, 2014
I was not finished. If you are a purest you can make your own meat liquor the old Middle Ages way, nowadays meat liquor is the broth left over from meat cooked in broth with liquor.
colette C. January 11, 2014
At least in the Middle Ages, meat liquor is the dredge on the bottom of the roast pan. Scrape it off and put a small amount of water into the "dredge," as I call it. Now let it sit and age. You can buy this at a gourmet store if need be. It was called the liquor because in the aging it gets a liquor quality to it like grains do
plainhomecook January 11, 2014
I bet ATL is right, it's the liquid in which one cooked the beef before one minced it. Originally, mince pies were made of spiced meat.
ATL January 11, 2014
Could it be broth?
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