Unlined copper pot black spots

I just received a set of antique unlined copper pots as a gift from my aunt and uncle. I have tried all kinds of metal polish, washing, baking soda, lemon/salt, and the like, and the tarnish is mostly gone, but i cannot get rid of these little black spots inside. I have Bar Keeper's Friend, but haven't tried it yet, because it seems a little abrasive. I also looked at food52 copper care article, but no info on removing black spots. Any ideas? Did I somehow accidentally ruin them?

  • Posted by: Rachel
  • April 6, 2014
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Lindsay-Jean H. April 7, 2014
Hi R - Beth Ann Sweeney of Coppermill Kitchen has the following advice: "Try steel wool . You can get it at home depot for a few dollars. Try level 0000 so its not too abrasive. Then get wrights copper cleaner from there as well. Wet the steel wool and put a little cleaner on it and test a spot. If that works clean the entire surface, then follow up with another piece of steel wool, wet it and put dish soap on it and clean. When you use the wool only use moderate pressure."
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