How to use up a crisper full of Spring?

I am leaving town at the last minute, so now I'm scrambling to use up all the scraps of spring I have in my crisper: ramps, leeks, parsley, thyme, basil, pea shoots, radish micro greens, and scallions. Normally I would toss everything into a quiche, but I am not in the mood to make dough when I get home tonight.

Any thoughts?
Any ideas would be helpful!

Cristina Sciarra


arielcooks May 1, 2022
Last week I cleaned out the veggie drawers (asparagus, broc, cauli, bell peps, mushs, carrots) and tiny spuds from the cellar, added olive oil, and placed them on two trays. Spuds, carrots, mushs, and four chicken thighs started on one tray for 30 minutes (325 degrees, convection), then I slipped the other tray in for the final 30 minutes. Two nights of meals, empty veggie drawers!
Cristina S. May 2, 2014
Thanks, all! These are great recommendations, and I will return to them. I ended up making a pesto from the pea shoots and ramps, which I think will last until I get home in a few days, and then I can use it all sort of ways.

For my flight, I made a sandwich of ham, pea shoot-and-ramp pesto, herbs, and sauteed leeks and scallions. It was pretty tasty!
arcane54 May 1, 2014
Great ideas here... And I especially love the imagery in "a crisper full of spring".

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Friulana April 30, 2014
Sounds like a Spring risotto to me! My mother and I would collect all the spring growth in our garden and celebrate with a risotto! ..... Dice a base of onion and garlic, we picked ramps in the forest, add radicchio , arugula, extraneous salads ..... Top with parmigiano...Pecorino .... Safe trip!
Maedl April 30, 2014
You could make a quiche without the crust if you are in the mood for quiche, but the frittata would be good, too. Either way, you can toss in any cheese remnants hiding in the back of the refrigerator.
Dave O. April 30, 2014
Grab some pre-made dough in the refrigerator aisle. Or make a crazy spring pizza.
Tarragon April 30, 2014
Salsa verde and roasted leeks. Otherwise, stash in the freezer for vegetable stock.
Julie April 30, 2014
What about a frittata? Similar to quiche but without the crust, and if you have a skillet it can be a one-pot meal.
HalfPint April 30, 2014
I would make a frittata.
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