What's the safest way to hack into a watermelon?

I am making Amanda's Watermelon Tomato Salad with Cumin and Fennel Seeds.

Sarah Jampel


SeaJambon July 27, 2014
I haven't tried this, but a friend just shared it. Normally, I would use a process very similar to what Monita wrote, but think a picture (actually, video) is worth a thousand words. Note that he fully cuts off rind and has watermelon in chunks in less than 2 minutes... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10202989188343885
Susan W. July 27, 2014
What an awesome way to cut watermelon for a crowd. My treat would be to grab a spoon and eat the lump at the bottom of each half.
SKK July 25, 2014
Start with a ripe watermelon. Watermelons are mostly water, and if it is ripe it will burst open when you cut into it. Unripe watermelons are problematic. Then follow Monita's advice.

Monita July 25, 2014
Start with a sharpened chef's knife (the sharper; the safer). First slice off the ends. Then stand the watermelon on one of the ends; use your knife to follow the curve of the watermelon and remove the rind. Flip it onto the other end and do the same thing to remove what you left behind. You can also, cut the watermelon in half and follow the same steps
Marian B. July 25, 2014
with a machete! just kidding. i use the tip of a chef's knife and sort of pry-slice.
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